kids braces

Sports and Braces

September 18th, 2023

Can I play sports during orthodontics?

Kids and teens can absolutely play sports while wearing braces or Invisalign. While injuries can happen at any time when playing sports, protecting your mouth and teeth during physical activity can reduce the risk of dental injuries. Hockey, lacrosse, wrestling are some common sports with the regular use of mouth guards. Other sports like basketball, baseball or soccer may or may not involve mouth guards. Talk with your sports leader about recommendations.

Timing of First Orthodontic Evaluation

September 30th, 2021

Orthodontic assessments at age 7-10 years old, when baby teeth are still present, can be thought of as a proactive evaluation to see if intervention could improve the overall orthodontic outcome and/or experience. Some typical goals of early assessment are attempting to reduce the risk of surgery, extractions, gum recession, or loss of tooth structure in addition to improved function and better overall esthetic results. Treatment options including Invisalign, braces or no treatment and a monitoring plan can be discussed at this visit.